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Challenge 80Kg Atlas Stone (for Strongman Sports)


Challenge’s Atlas Stone are the most durable Atlas Stone Mold in the strength industry, with a reputation of making excellent competition-grade Atlas Stones with ease.

SKU: CB80AS Categories: ,

FAQ on Challenge 80Kg Atlas Stone

What is an 80Kg Atlas Stone, and how is it used in strongman sports?

An 80Kg Atlas Stone is a spherical concrete or stone lifting implement commonly used in strongman sports. Athletes lift, carry, and load these heavy stones onto platforms or over bars, testing their strength, power, and technique.

What are the benefits of incorporating an 80Kg Atlas Stone into my strongman training routine?

The key benefits of using an 80Kg Atlas Stone include:
• Exceptional strength and power development: Atlas Stones are effective tools for building functional strength and power.
• Real-world strength application: They simulate the act of lifting and moving heavy, awkward objects.
• Versatility: Atlas Stones can be used in various strongman events, including stone loading, stone carries, and shoulder lifts.
• Competitive advantage: Training with Atlas Stones prepares athletes for strongman competitions, including those with heavier stones.

Is the 80Kg Atlas Stone suitable for athletes of all levels, from beginners to advanced strongman competitors?

The 80Kg Atlas Stone can be used by athletes of various levels, but beginners should start with lighter stones to master the technique and progressively work their way up to heavier stones. It is often used as part of advanced training for skilled competitors.

Can the 80Kg Atlas Stone be adjusted to different weights, or is it a fixed 80Kg stone?

The 80Kg Atlas Stone is a fixed weight stone, typically weighing 80 kilograms. If you want to train with different weights, you’ll need additional Atlas Stones of varying weights.

How do I properly maintain the 80Kg Atlas Stone to ensure its longevity and performance?

To maintain your Atlas Stone, store it in a dry, clean environment and inspect it for any chips, cracks, or damage regularly. Repair any damage promptly to ensure the stone’s integrity. Proper storage is key to preventing weather-related damage.

Can the 80Kg Atlas Stone be used for specific sports or functional training outside of strongman competitions?

While Atlas Stones are primarily associated with strongman training and competitions, they can also be used for functional training, including grip strength, real-world lifting, and general strength conditioning, making them versatile for various athletic endeavors.

Where can I purchase an 80Kg Atlas Stone for strongman training by Challenge?

You can directly purchase an 80Kg Atlas Stone for strongman training from the website link:

Do you offer any warranty or customer support for the 80Kg Atlas Stone?

Warranty and customer support policies for the 80Kg Atlas Stone may vary depending on the manufacturer or supplier. It’s advisable to inquire about warranties and after-sales support when making a purchase.

Are there any specific safety precautions I should take when using the 80Kg Atlas Stone in my training?

Safety is paramount when using Atlas Stones, especially heavier ones like the 80Kg stone. Ensure you have proper technique and a strong foundation before attempting heavy lifts. Having a spotter or coach present during heavy lifts is advisable to enhance safety.

Can the 80Kg Atlas Stone be used for events or competitions other than strongman sports?

While Atlas Stones are most commonly associated with strongman events, they can also be used in other strength-related competitions, functional fitness events, or fitness challenges that involve lifting and carrying heavy objects.